What Is Smelt Egg?

Are you curious to know what is smelt egg? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about smelt egg in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is smelt egg?

Smelt egg, also known as Masago, is a delicacy in Japanese cuisine that is often used as a garnish or topping for sushi rolls, salads, and other dishes. It is made from the roe (eggs) of smelt fish, which are small, silvery fish found in cold waters around the world.

In this blog, we will explore what smelt egg is, how it is prepared, and its nutritional value.

What Is Smelt Egg?

The smelt egg is made from the roe (eggs) of smelt fish. The eggs are small and orange in color, and have a slightly crunchy texture and a mild, salty flavor. Smelt egg is often used as a garnish or topping for sushi rolls, salads, and other dishes in Japanese cuisine.

How Is Smelt Egg Prepared?

Smelt eggs are typically harvested from the fish and then processed by salting or marinating them in soy sauce or other seasonings. The eggs are then rinsed and dried before being packaged for sale.

In Japanese cuisine, the smelt egg is often used as a topping for sushi rolls and other dishes. It can also be mixed with mayonnaise or other ingredients to make a flavored sauce or spread.

Nutritional Value Of Smelt Egg

Smelt egg is a good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and other important nutrients. One serving of smelt egg (one tablespoon) contains approximately:

  • 15-20 calories
  • 2 grams of protein
  • 1 gram of fat
  • 0.2 grams of carbohydrates
  • 65 milligrams of sodium

Smelt egg is also a good source of vitamin B12, which is important for maintaining healthy nerve and blood cells, and for preventing anemia. It also contains selenium, which is an essential mineral that helps to protect against cell damage and maintain a healthy immune system.


Smelt egg, also known as Masago, is a delicacy in Japanese cuisine that is made from the roe of smelt fish. It has a slightly crunchy texture and a mild, salty flavor, and is often used as a garnish or topping for sushi rolls, salads, and other dishes. Smelt egg is a good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and other important nutrients, making it a healthy and flavorful addition to any meal. If you are interested in trying smelt egg, look for it at your local Japanese or Asian grocery store.

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What Is The Smelt Of Egg In Sushi?

Roe is a general term for fish eggs, so smelt roe is simply eggs from Smelt fish, much like as caviar refers to roe from sturgeon. Understanding Smelt Roe. Despite how rarely smelt fish meat is used, smelt roe is very popular in sushi restaurants.

What Does Smelt Egg Taste Like?

Masago (smelt roe)

Masago is similarly colored to tobiko, but the eggs are visibly smaller and the mouthfeel is somewhat different — masago is not as pleasantly crunchy. The taste is similar, though masago can be slightly more bitter.

Can You Eat Smelt Eggs?

delicious fish eggs that are rich in B12 vitamins and. omega 3 fatty acids.

What Is Another Name For Smelt Eggs?


Also called masago, smelt roe are the eggs from the type of smelt fish called a capelin. The most likely place to encounter them is at a sushi restaurant where they’re commonly used inside rolls or on top as a tasty garnish.


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What Is A Smelt Egg

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