What Is A Phrasal Compound?

Are you curious to know what is a phrasal compound? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about a phrasal compound in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is a phrasal compound?

Language is a dynamic and ever-evolving system that constantly adapts to the needs of its users. One fascinating aspect of language is the creation of phrasal compounds, which combine multiple words to form a new, unified term. If you’ve ever wondered about the concept of phrasal compounds and their significance in language, this blog post will take you on a journey to understand their structure, explore examples, and appreciate their impact on communication.

What Is A Phrasal Compound?

Phrasal compounds, also known as compound phrases, are lexical units formed by combining two or more words to create a single word with a distinct meaning. These compounds are formed by linking words together, often with a hyphen, to create a compound term that expresses a unique concept or idea. Phrasal compounds offer a creative way to expand and enrich language by combining existing words in innovative and meaningful ways.

Structure Of Phrasal Compounds:

Phrasal compounds typically consist of two or more words, with the first word acting as a modifier or specifier, and the second word providing the core meaning. The words are connected by a hyphen to indicate their combined nature and create a unified term. The resulting compound word can function as a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb, depending on its usage.

Examples Of Phrasal Compounds:

  1. Time-saving: This compound combines the words “time” and “saving” to create an adjective that describes something that saves time. For example, a time-saving device or a time-saving technique.
  2. Mind-boggling: The words “mind” and “boggling” join to form an adjective that signifies something extremely puzzling, astonishing, or confusing. It describes situations or experiences that are difficult to comprehend or process fully.
  3. Run-of-the-mill: This compound combines “run” and “of the mill” to create an adjective that describes something ordinary, average, or commonplace. It refers to things that are not particularly special or unique.
  4. High-five: The words “high” and “five” come together to form a noun that represents the act of slapping palms together in celebration or to express congratulations or solidarity.

Significance Of Phrasal Compounds:

  1. Semantic Expressiveness: Phrasal compounds allow speakers and writers to convey complex ideas succinctly by combining words that may not have a direct one-word equivalent. They offer a way to express nuanced meanings that may not be achievable through individual words.
  2. Language Efficiency: Phrasal compounds contribute to language efficiency by creating compact terms that encapsulate multiple concepts. They enable effective communication while conserving linguistic resources.
  3. Creative Language Use: Phrasal compounds provide a playground for linguistic creativity, allowing for the creation of new words and expanding the lexicon. They reflect the dynamic nature of language and the constant evolution of human expression.


Phrasal compounds are linguistic wonders that unite words to create new meanings and expand the expressive potential of language. By combining words in innovative ways, phrasal compounds offer concise and powerful means of communication. They provide a creative outlet for linguistic expression, enabling speakers and writers to convey complex ideas efficiently. As language continues to evolve, phrasal compounds will undoubtedly play a significant role in shaping its future and enriching our ability to convey meaning.

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What Are The Examples Of Phrasal Compounds?

A phrasal compound is the use of two or more words to form a single thought. Some examples in English include “middle of the road,” “put off” or “accident prone.” Phrasal compounds can function in a sentence as verbs or adjectives.

What Is Phrasal Examples?

What is a phrasal verb? A verb (e.g., “It goes”) becomes a phrasal verb with the addition of one preposition (e.g., “The light goes out”) or more (e.g., “She goes out with him”). Each additional preposition completely changes the meaning of the verb. Example: goes – as in “The train goes west.”

What Is Compound Vs Phrasal Verbs?

A compound verb is a verb that consists of two or more words. There are four types of compound verbs. A prepositional verb is when a verb and a preposition come together to form a new verb. A phrasal verb is when a verb is combined with another part of speech, together functioning as a verb.

What Is An Example Of A Compound Verb Sentence?

A compound verb is two or more verbs that have the same subject and are joined by a conjunction such as and or. Example Sentences with Compound Verbs: Kittens sleep, eat, and play. I have to feed the cat and walk the dog. The cat yawned, settled into the blanket, and fell asleep.


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