Understanding Asbestos Lawsuits: A Guide For Lung Cancer Patients

Lung cancer is a devastating disease that impacts millions of lives each year. For some patients, the cause of their lung cancer can be traced back to asbestos exposure. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral used in construction and manufacturing for much of the 20th century. When asbestos fibers are inhaled, they can cause inflammation and scarring in the lungs, eventually leading to lung cancer and other diseases like mesothelioma decades after exposure.

Patients diagnosed with lung cancer caused by asbestos face immense physical, emotional, and financial challenges. The cancer can cause symptoms like shortness of breath, chest pain, and chronic coughing. The treatments, like chemotherapy and radiation, often come with difficult side effects. And the costs of cancer care can be very high, even with health insurance. According to a 2019 report, the average out-of-pocket costs for lung cancer patients in their last year of life was over $21 billion.

Fortunately, legal options are available to support lung cancer patients who were exposed to asbestos. Filing an asbestos lawsuit can help patients and families obtain compensation to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering damages. Understanding the legal process can empower patients to seek justice and the financial assistance they desperately need.

Finding Legal Help

It is critical for lung cancer patients considering an asbestos lawsuit to work with an experienced attorney. Asbestos litigation is complex, so having a knowledgeable legal team is key. Patients should look for attorneys with a proven track record of success in these cases. For those seeking additional resources and guidance on lung cancer-related legal matters, visiting www.lungcancergroup.com can provide invaluable insights and support.

A dedicated asbestos law firm can evaluate the evidence, determine viable defendants, handle negotiations, and take the case to trial if needed.

While documenting asbestos exposure and building a strong case can take time, the payouts from successful asbestos verdicts or settlements can be substantial. These funds can provide patients and families with long-term financial stability and help cover high medical costs.

The Asbestos Lawsuit Process

There are a few steps involved.

1. Investigation and Evidence Gathering  

The first step is conducting a thorough investigation into the history of asbestos exposure. This helps identify all potentially liable companies. An experienced asbestos litigation attorney can help obtain employment records, statements from coworkers, and details about asbestos-containing products handled. Medical records and expert testimony are also gathered to demonstrate the link between asbestos exposure and lung cancer diagnosis.

2. Filing the Lawsuit

Once the evidence is gathered, the asbestos lawsuit is filed in court, naming the defendant companies. The lawsuit alleges that the company’s negligence in handling the dangerous asbestos materials directly caused harm to the plaintiff.

3. Discovery Phase  

During this pretrial phase, information is exchanged between the plaintiff and the defendants. Things like company documents, deposition transcripts, and expert reports are shared. This evidence helps demonstrate liability and determine potential damages amounts.

4. Settlement Negotiations

Many asbestos lawsuits end in settlements to avoid trial. The plaintiff’s attorney negotiates with defendants to reach fair settlement amounts for their clients. Cases are often settled with multiple companies.

5. Trial

If a settlement is not reached, the case can proceed to trial. A jury hears all the evidence and testimony before deciding if the companies are liable. If they are found responsible, the jury determines how much money the plaintiff is awarded.  

Asbestos Trusts

One other potential compensation source for asbestos victims is asbestos bankruptcy trusts. Many companies have filed for bankruptcy due to overwhelming litigation. As part of the bankruptcy process, these companies were required to establish asbestos trusts.

The funds reserved for victims in these trusts, known as the asbestos trust fund, play a crucial role in providing compensation. These trusts pay out claims to asbestos victims separate from the traditional litigation process. There are currently over 60 asbestos trusts holding over $30 billion in assets.

Finding the Right Doctor

Being diagnosed with lung cancer linked to asbestos is emotionally and physically devastating. Patients need compassionate medical care and guidance during this difficult time.

Having an experienced doctor specializing in asbestos-related diseases like mesothelioma can help document the medical history and provide expert testimony linking lung cancer to asbestos exposure. This is important evidence in making a case for compensation. They can also advise patients on gathering occupational and environmental exposure history and medical records to help build their legal case.

Seeking Support Groups

A lung cancer diagnosis can feel very isolating. Connecting with others going through similar struggles can provide invaluable emotional support. There are in-person and online support groups for mesothelioma and asbestos-related cancer patients and families.

Additionally, asbestos patient communities share lessons learned from those who have gone through the lawsuit process before. This helps new patients know what to expect and how to navigate it. Being able to share experiences and advice helps many patients process their diagnosis, cope with grief, and realize they are not alone.

Understanding Health Insurance Options

The costs associated with lung cancer treatment, medications, and procedures can be quite high. Patients need to understand what insurance coverage options are available to help manage expenses. This includes evaluating private health plans, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans benefits, clinical trials, pharmaceutical assistance programs, and other support. Having insurance assistance makes a huge difference in accessing quality care.

Preparing for End-of-Life Decisions

Receiving a lung cancer diagnosis starts difficult conversations about end-of-life planning. Patients need to consider their wishes for medical interventions and palliative care options if their health declines. Choosing a trusted person to assign as medical power of attorney is important to carry out these difficult decisions.


A lung cancer diagnosis linked to asbestos exposure presents many challenges. But victims do not have to tackle these difficulties alone. By understanding asbestos lawsuits and trusts, patients can take action to hold companies accountable and seek fair compensation. With experienced legal guidance, victims and their families can gain the financial means and peace of mind they deserve while focusing on health and recovery.